Are plumbing costs the most expensive part of a project?

Plumbing usually tends to get the least share of mind of all the stakeholders – builders, contractors, and homeowners. This is due to the perception that plumbing doesn’t directly add to the aesthetics of a building. However, this seemingly inexpensive aspect of construction can cost us dearly, if not done right. The problem, contrary to popular belief, lies with plumbing skills and their understanding. Let us have a look at some common mistakes which can make you pay a high cost for plumbing.


3 Common plumbing mistakes that can cost you a lot


leakage, poor plumbing costs more
Leakage caused due to poor plumbing techniques


1. Incorrect mixing of pipes and fittings

If plumbing pipes and fittings are of different materials, they will never bond well, and this would result in leakages. For example, CPVC/GI pipes should never be used with UPVC fittings and vice versa. 


2. Lack of proper threading

In GI pipes, plumbers shy away from doing the right amount of threading required either to save time or due to ignorance. This again results in poor joints which causes leakages. The problem is getting worse because our nation’s plumbing systems are largely concealed. In fact, we should learn from the west about open plumbing systems, wherein pipes travel the least distances in the walls. Though it could pose some aesthetic challenges but a good architect can always find a solution to that. 


3. Use of unbranded chemicals and adhesives for sealing the UPVC / CPVC pipes with fittings

The cost difference between branded and unbranded chemicals is not much but plumbers tend to use unbranded ones which leads to poor joint fittings causing leakages, and damage to the building structure and aesthetics over a period of time. 


The overall responsibility of getting the right plumbing practices in place lies with all of us, starting from the dealers to the homeowners. The price of plumbing is negligible compared to the cost associated with poor plumbing practices. So, let’s take plumbing seriously!

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