Upcoming Webinar by Canadian Wood ‘WOODINNOVATIONS’ – what’s new & what’s next for engineered wood products

The webinar will focus on high-quality engineered wood products made with Canadian Wood by reputed manufacturers and their diverse applications.

Canadian Wood has been consistently engaged in promoting wood in a variety of applications through its series of webinars. These virtual sessions remain the constant ground for knowledge sharing by several reputed woodworking professionals in India and abroad. This of course, while covering a range of topics of significance to the industry.


‘WOODINNOVATIONS – what’s new & what’s next for engineered wood products
‘WOODINNOVATIONS – what’s new & what’s next for engineered wood products


Keeping up with this tradition, Canadian Wood’s upcoming webinar will unveil a range of engineered wood products and their widespread applications, especially the locally manufactured FJEG Board, effectively tackling the twin challenges of knots and dimensions.

Special guests and speakers at the webinar, Punit Patel (NavNirman Industries, Hyderabad) and P.V. Haridasan (Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Ltd., Kannur) will share their unique experiences and technical expertise in engineered wood products. Also, Peter Bradfield (Canadian Wood) will introduce recent successes – FJEG boards made with sustainably sourced wood species from British Columbia and demonstrate their suitability for varied applications besides showcasing other Canadian wood products.

Registrations for the webinar are now open. Click on the link below to confirm your participation in this enriching experience.

Day &Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Time: 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM

Register now: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4116284869360/WN_uKKMotrlR5C5j1r5wZ77QQ

Contact: +91 22 492211600

Know more about Canadian Wood and its ready-to-use, sized, graded, seasoned and certified lumber to make engineered wood products from sustainably managed forests in B.C. Canada – www.canadianwood.in


Ayushi Mishra

A writer for BuildingandInteriors, Ayushi curates long-form content for top brands. She also interviews leading industry professionals. Besides developing copies, she leads a team of writers who deliver unique content. When free, Ayushi occasionally slips into the world of literature.

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