
Eternia aluminum windows
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Mukul Jain

Why are aluminium doors and windows the best?

Doors and windows are the gateways to the outside world. Hence, they should be durable enough to withstand harsh weather and provide maximum safety. Nowadays,


Door mesh or screen with best net design that restricts mosquito entry and perfect for sliding and folding doors.
FenestrationInterior Design

Door mesh digest: All you need to know before installing (Buy it!)

Door mesh is well-known for providing your home with the first line of defense. It is either nailed or bead-braided to the vertical stiles and …

eternia doors and windows in a cafe

Noise proofing demystified with Eternia windows and doors

The fact that India has the worst noise pollution levels in the world is not unheard of. According to a survey conducted by WHO, more …

Mr. Pranesh Chhibber – Country Director, Canadian Wood on participation in india wood 2022
ArchitectureFenestrationFiberboard | Laminates

Sustainable forest management by B.C., Canada is paving the way for balanced solutions: Mr. Pranesh Chhibber

Wood is incredibly valuable to the world and to our daily life. It is a natural resource with various advantages for the environment and human …

Mr. Bruno Humblet, CEO Deceuninck
Architectural, Furniture, Kitchen Fittings & HardwareArchitectureFenestration

Deceuninck profiles make sustainable & energy efficient buildings

Sustainability is more than a trending word. Although the term has turned into a buzzword just recently, the concept has been in existence for a …

brown wooden furniture in a cafe - made using Canadian wood that sources its building materials and products through responsible forestry set to showcase at leading furniture exhibition indiawood 2024
FenestrationFiberboard | LaminatesFurniture

The eco-friendly benefits of Canadian Wood: A comprehensive overview

The significance of sustainability has become more apparent as the world confronts environmental crises, compelling people to reconsider their lifestyles and explore age-old solutions. Wood …

Aristo sliding wardrobe door designs

9 trendy sliding wardrobe door designs for all decor schemes

Contemporary homes are made with nothing but the best, from construction to furnishing, nobody like compromising. wardrobes are one such element that needs a lot …

Eternia aluminum windows

Why are aluminium doors and windows the best?

Doors and windows are the gateways to the outside world. Hence, they should be durable enough to withstand harsh weather and provide maximum safety. Nowadays, …

Biophilic design by sustainable Canadian Wood
ArchitectureFenestrationFiberboard | Laminates

Biophilic advantages of sustainably sourced wood in interior spaces

Integrating wood elements into interior design spaces goes beyond aesthetics; it’s a choice that can profoundly affect human health and overall well-being. Recognized as one …

eternia duranium aluminium doors with glass

Duranium® for stunning, sleek & sustainable- Eternia windows and doors

The fenestration market in India has witnessed drastic growth in recent decades. This is one of the reasons why innovations in windows and doors are …

eternia wiwa certified doors and windows

WiWA© Certified Eternia Windows for improved wellness, safety & efficiency in home

India witnesses extreme climatic conditions all year round. The most difficult of all is the monsoon season. The challenging season is often accompanied by storms …

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