Vastu Shastra: Design principles & tips to invite positivity in home

Colourful exteriors
Colourful exteriors

A house becomes a home when it radiates the right kind of energy. Vastu Shastra helps you to attain this energy in your house. Hence, it is important to consider certain Vastu Shastra tips before designing your home layout to place your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc. in ideal locations.

The ancient Indian science of architecture, or Vastu Shastra, explains that the universe is made up of five elements- earth, fire, water, wind, and space. These elements have a specific level of energy, and every building or piece of land has an association with them. According to Vastu Shastra, the five elements of the universe need to be balanced to attract positivity at home. Hence, Vastu-compliant homes eliminate negative energy and enhance positive energy.

Each home has its own energy type. You come under the influence of the specific energy field of your home. Therefore, it is important to understand the link between Vastu Shastra and our homes to maximize positivity and good vibes. Hence, you can organize the layout and choose the right colours, accessories, and furnishings, according to the principles of Vastu Shastra, to make your home Vastu-compliant.

In this article, we have decoded almost everything you might want to know about Vastu Shastra. This will help you to re-organize your personal spaces and invite happiness, wealth, and well-being into your home. So, if you want to generate a happy environment at home, this article is for you.



What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra, an ancient term that means “the science of architecture,” involves using various design elements, such as spatial geometry, layout, measurements, ground preparation, and arrangement, in building construction to improve the well-being, peace, and prosperity of the occupants. It is a fusion of science, art, astronomy, and astrology. It offers principles and concepts to create a living space that aligns with nature and incorporates geometric patterns, symmetry, and directional alignments.


Importance of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural science that creates harmonious and balanced living spaces. It emphasizes the relationship between humans and their environment and provides guidelines for constructing and designing buildings, homes, and cities. By following Vastu principles, one is believed to achieve overall well-being, prosperity, and success in life by harmonizing the energy flow in the living space.


Elements of Vastu Shastra


The five elements of the universe
The five elements of the universe

Image Source: Sanjeev Gadhokk


The five elements of Vastu Shastra are:

  • Prithvi (Earth): This element provides stability and patience. It dominates the centre and diagonal directions
  • Agni (fire): Agni represents confidence, money, and success. It dominates the south direction
  • Jal (water): Water is one of the most important supporting elements of human life; hence, it represents immunity and health. It dominates the north direction
  • Vayu (wind): Wind energy brings fun and happiness. It dominates the east direction
  • Akash (space): This element represents cognitive energy, mental space, and social energy. It dominates the west direction


Benefits of Vastu Shastra

  • Financial prosperity: A perfect Vastu home gives you financial prosperity and success in your financial ventures.
  • Career stability: A Vastu-compliant home balances the natural elements and cosmic energies that ensure career stability and growth.
  • Academic growth: According to Vastu Shastra, a clutter-free and well-illuminated house attracts positive vibes and academic growth.
  • Healthy relationships: Vastu Shastra allows positive energy to flow into your home, enhances inner peace, and harmonizes relationships.
  • Good mental and physical health: For good emotional and physical health, ensure that you dwell in a perfect Vastu setting with proper home designs, colours, and decor items.


Also see: Ganesha Murti & photos: Vastu-approved decor digest (Buy idols!)


Vastu Shastra principles for home


For room or directions


North-facing house Vastu plan

In Vastu Shastra, the north direction is associated with wealth and prosperity. The main entrance should face north to enhance the positive energy of a north-facing house. The living room should be in the northeast or northwest direction, while the kitchen should be in the southeast corner. According to Vastu Shastra, the master bedroom should be in the southwest corner, and the puja room should be in the northeast corner. Using light and soothing colours on the walls can promote positive energy, and furniture placement should not block the energy flow.


South-facing house Vastu plan

South-facing homes are often avoided due to misconceptions about negative energy. However, Vastu principles can bring positivity, happiness, peace, and prosperity to such homes. According to Vastu Shastra, the entrance of a south-facing property should be in the center of the south-facing wall to align positive energy throughout the house. Pooja rooms should be in the east or south direction. Depending on location and surroundings, the amount of sunlight received can be beneficial or harmful. It can provide warmth in winter or hilly areas, but it can be detrimental to human health in summer.


East-facing house Vastu plan

East-facing homes are considered lucky, according to Vastu Shastra. Scientifically, such homes receive early morning sun rays, maximizing positive energy and good health for owners. For optimal prosperity, ensure the house is broader toward the east than in any other direction. The main entrance should be in the center, not the unfavourable northeast or southeast. To maximize positive energy flow, leave a six-inch gap between the wall and door if it is in the northeast corner. According to Vastu Shastra, place the living room in the northeast and the bedrooms in the southwest. The staircase should be in the south or west direction.


West-facing house Vastu plan

West-facing homes are often considered inauspicious due to a misunderstanding of Vastu Shastra. However, experts believe that the West direction brings wealth and prosperity, especially for people in certain professions. The main entrance should be designed according to Vastu principles and located within the right steps. The pooja room and living room should be in the northeast. Alternatively, the pooja room in west-facing homes can be in the west direction, but idols should face east. In the living room, placing a money plant in the southeast direction can bring good luck and prosperity. The kitchen should be located in the southeast direction. Avoid placing the toilet in the northeast direction. Keep the walls of the house light-coloured and use bright lights to balance the energy.


Vastu Shastra for office

To bring luck and prosperity, Vastu Shastra principles are followed when constructing commercial buildings. Vastu is believed to promote financial circulation and business stability and improve holistic well-being in the workspace. To achieve success, the office doorway should face north, northeast, or northwest, as per Vastu guidelines. Entrepreneurs should sit facing north, east, or northeast for financial growth and new beginnings. Important documents should be in the southwest zone, and the office should be safe in the northeast for growth and profitability. Decor items should be placed correctly to promote positivity and prosperity at work.


For different elements


Shape of the rooms

According to Vastu Shastra, every room in the house should adhere to specific guidelines. The rooms should be designed with straight lines and have a square or rectangular shape. It is not recommended to use any circular furniture or have circular rooms, as it goes against Vastu principles.


Room basic

Vastu Shastra principles for bedrooms suggest placing them in the southwest direction with the bed in the same corner, avoiding doors in line with the bed, keeping a solid wall behind it, and using calming colours. A clutter-free and well-ventilated room with furniture arranged positively and harmoniously promotes good energy flow.


Stairs and furniture

Adhering to Vastu principles involves placing heavy furniture, like an almirah, in the southwest direction and constructing stairs in the southern or western part of the house. Stairs should ascend clockwise, while furniture should promote ease of movement and avoid obstructing doorways.



Vastu Shastra recommends avoiding plants and water features, such as water fountains, aquariums, or paintings depicting water, in the bedroom. Water sources, like wells, borewells, and tanks, should be positioned in the northeast or north direction of the house, flowing from northeast to southwest or east to northeast direction, and not in the southeast or southwest direction.


Dining table

The dining table should be placed in the west or southeast direction of the house. It is important to ensure that the dining table is not placed under a beam or directly in front of the main door. Additionally, using a circular or oval-shaped dining table is considered beneficial.


Mirror placement

Vastu Shastra recommends placing mirrors on the north or east walls of a room for positive energy and light but mirrors in the bedroom reflecting the bed or sleeping couple are discouraged. If you must have one, avoid placing it opposite the entrance or bed to prevent negativity and restlessness. Keep mirrors clean and crack-free for positive energy flow.


Proper ventilation

Proper ventilation and sufficient daylight, as recommended by Vastu principles, are crucial for a positive and harmonious living environment. To achieve this, every room should receive ample sunlight and fresh air by having windows and doors in the north and east directions while minimizing their size in the south and west directions. Additionally, a central courtyard or open space can aid in ventilation.


Colour of the rooms

Vastu principles emphasize the importance of colour in home decor. To promote positive energy, darker shades should be avoided in favour of light and soothing colours like white, pink, coral, green, orange, or blue. Additionally, according to Vastu Shastra, different rooms should have specific colours – warm and inviting in living areas, bright and energizing in workspaces, and calm in bedrooms – to create a harmonious atmosphere.


Also see: Home colours guidebook: 50 classic combinations, ideas, and Vastu tips


Vastu Shastra tips for your home

Here are some tips for designing a house compliant with Vastu Shastra:




Vastu Shastra compliant entrance
A Vastu-compliant main entrance

Image Source: Picture Dictionary & Books


Your main entrance establishes the tone and feel of your home. Apart from this, the entrance of your home should also serve as an entry point for energy and positivity. Go through these Vastu Shastra tips to place your entrance ideally:

  • The entrance should be in the north or north-east direction
  • Ensure that your doorway is well-illuminated and clean
  • Use superior-quality wood for your entrance doorway
  • Avoid placing a fountain (or a water-centric element), shoe rack, dustbin, etc., outside the main door
  • Wash your entrance with rock salt and water to keep negativity away


Also see: Main gate designs: Vastu-approved selection guide (69+ ideas)


Living room


Vastu Shastra compliant living room
Light-coloured living room walls to keep away negativity

Image Source: Pinterest


The living room is activity-centered and a place to entertain your guests. This place should always be lively and cheerful. For this, follow the Vastu tips given below:

  • For the living room, use calming wall colours with boldly coloured furnishings to create a positive environment
  • Keep your heavy living room furniture in the west or south-west direction
  • Your electronic devices are best in the south-east area of the room
  • Avoid adorning your living room walls with paintings depicting sadness or pain
  • Remove items like photo frames, mirrors, showpieces, wall clocks, etc., if they are broken or no longer work




Vastu Shastra compliant bedroom
Ideally placed bed to induce calmness in the bedroom

Image Source: KreateCube


The bedroom is your tranquil haven to retire to after a long day. Therefore, consider these Vastu Shastra tips for your bedroom to keep it calm and peaceful:

  • According to Vastu Shastra, the south-west direction is ideal for a bedroom
  • Place your bed in the south-west direction, and make sure you sleep with your head pointing towards the west
  • Avoid placing a mirror or television in front of your bed or having a temple, paintings depicting water, and black-coloured walls in your bedroom
  • Never paint your bedroom walls black, according to Vastu Shastra
  • You can burn aromatic oils in your bedroom for a feeling of calmness, as per Vastu Shastra


Also read: Bedroom design: 110 Immaculate ideas, layout, and designing tips




Vastu Shastra compliant kitchen
Kitchen space and appliances in accordance with Vastu

Image Source: Foyr Neo


The kitchen is the heart of a home. This place should always be overflowing with positive energy and good vibes, as the health of the household depends on it. Follow these Vastu tips for an ideal kitchen:

  • The ideal direction for the kitchen is the south-east direction
  • You can also consider the north-west direction if the south-east direction is difficult to achieve
  • Your cooking appliances (that represent fire) should be placed in the south-east area of the kitchen in such a way that you face east while using them
  • Always avoid the north, north-east, or south-west directions for your kitchen
  • Never place your cooking appliances parallel to or on the same platform as the wash basin


Also read: Modular kitchen design – Everything you need to know (+27 ideas)




Vastu Shastra compliant bathroom
Rejuvenate yourself in a Vastu-compliant bathroom

Image Source: Foyr Neo


A clean and tidy bathroom is the most important element in every household. A great bathroom space can be easily achieved by incorporating new designs that express your personality and making it Vastu-compliant. Given below are some Vastu tips for your reference:

  • The north-west area of your house is ideal for having a bathroom or toilet
  • Make sure to have your shower and wash basin placed in the east, north, or north-east direction
  • Always go for a wooden door for your bathroom
  • Natural wall colours like beige, cream, etc., are good for your bathroom
  • Place your bathroom window or exhaust fan in the north-east direction for proper ventilation


Also read: Bathroom Design Guide – You can’t go wrong with this (33+ Images)


Prayer room


Vaastu-compliant prayer room
Prayer room designed in compliance with Vastu

Image Source: Sun Associates


The prayer room is a place of spiritual growth and introspection. This is where you would be drawn to complete your daily pooja ritual and find peace of mind. To ensure that this room is most compliant with the principles of Vastu Shastra, follow the tips:

  • The East or north-east area of your house is best for a prayer room
  • Always face the east direction while you meditate
  • Colour your prayer room white, beige, light yellow, or green
  • Place a sacred altar with candles and incense sticks
  • Ensure that the idols do not face each other or the door


Study room


Scandinavian inspired study area in a bedroom in greys and blues
Scandinavian-inspired study area in compliance with Vastu

Image Source: IKEA


It is essential to create an environment that demands your child’s undivided attention, even if you don’t have a dedicated study space. Remember these fundamental guidelines:

  • The study room should be in the East, North, or Northeast direction of the house.
  • Keep the study table in the East or North direction and face East or North while studying.
  • Ensure that the study room has ample natural light and ventilation.
  • Keep the study room clutter-free and organized.
  • Use light colours for the walls, and avoid dark colours.
  • Avoid placing the study table directly in front of the door.


Home garden


beautiful home garden with two white garden chairs and a toy car
Vastu-compliant garden at the front yard of the home

Image Source: House Beautiful


Home gardens are a great way to bring nature and greenery into your living space. They can provide a source of fresh produce and a relaxing environment and can even increase the value of your property. Follow these Vastu tips for an ideal home garden:

  • The garden should be located in the east or north direction.
  • Plant flowering plants in the east, north, or northeast direction.
  • Avoid placing thorny plants or cacti in the garden.
  • Keep the garden clean and free from clutter.
  • Avoid planting tall trees on the north or east sides of the garden.
  • The garden should be well-lit during the evening for positive energy flow.


Dining hall


Foliage green and white dining room with a chandelier hanging over head a dining table set along with two wooden cupboards and a fire place in between them
Dining room in compliance with Vastu

Image Source: Wooden Street


The dining hall is a space where families and friends come together to share meals and create memories. It is a place of warmth, comfort, and nourishment, where food is not just sustenance but a source of joy and connection. We have provided some Vastu Shastra tips for your reference:

  • The dining hall should be in the West or Northwest direction of the house.
  • Make the dining table of a natural material like wood, neither too big nor too small.
  • The dining area should be well-lit with natural or artificial light.
  • Position the dining table in such a way that people face East or West while eating.
  • Use light and soothing colours for the walls and decor of the dining hall.
  • Keep the dining hall clean and clutter-free.




180 turning wooden staircase
Wooden staircase in compliance with Vastu

Image Source: Home Stratosphere


Ensuring proper placement of the staircase according to Vastu principles is crucial for maintaining a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere at home. Here are some Vastu tips to follow:

  • The staircase should be in the South, West, or Southwest direction of the house.
  • The staircase should always ascend in a clockwise direction.
  • Avoid having a spiral staircase, as it can create negative energy.
  • The steps should be uniform in size and not too steep.
  • Ensure that the staircase is well-lit and there are no obstructions or clutter around it.


Also see: Staircase Vastu: Top 10 tips, design ideas & mistakes to avoid


Kid’s room


Pastel coloured kid's room with a floral chandelier, study table and a single bed
Vastu-compliant room for children

Image Source: Behance


Design a kid’s room with both fun and functionality in mind. To provide a safe and comfortable space for children to play, learn, and rest, following are some Vastu Shastra tips:

  • The kid’s room should ideally be located in the west or northwest direction of the house.
  • Place the bed in the southwest corner of the room with the child’s head facing east or south.
  • Avoid placing mirrors in the kid’s room as they can create restlessness and disturb the child’s sleep.
  • The room should have adequate natural light and ventilation for a healthy and positive environment.
  • Keep the room clutter-free and organized, and avoid storing heavy objects or furniture in the northeast corner of the room.


Auspicious locations as per Vastu Shastra

Consider these auspicious locations, as per Vastu Shastra, before planning your house layout:

Directions Effect Function
North Wealth and prosperity Living room, seating area, office, entrance
North-East Religion and trinity Puja room, well, underground water tank
East Progress and growth Entrance, guestroom, verandah, bathroom
South-East Energy, vigour, and strength Kitchen, generator, power supply
South Poor Backyard, kitchen garden, kids’ room
South-West Purity and cleanliness Staircase, master bedroom, toilet, washing area
West Water Overhead tank, study room
North-West Air Bedroom, guestroom, living room, toilet




What is the best colour for study room, as per Vastu Shastra?

As per Vastu Shastra, the best colours for a study room are white, light yellow, light green, and blue. People believe that white enhances focus and concentration, while light yellow promotes intelligence and wisdom. They associate green with growth and creativity, and blue brings calmness and peace of mind. Avoid using bright and bold colours like black and red, as they can induce laziness and lethargy, hindering the learning process.


What is the ideal direction for study room, as per Vastu Shastra?

The ideal direction for a study room is the northeast corner of the house, as per Vastu Shastra. People consider this direction as auspicious as it provides a peaceful and calm environment for studying. If it’s not feasible to have the northeast corner, they can consider the north or east direction.


What is the best Vastu direction for home?

According to Vastu Shastra, the best direction for a home is considered to be toward the east. It is believed to bring in positive energy and good health for the homeowners. However, other directions like north and northeast are also considered auspicious for a home.


According to Vastu Shastra, what colour should I paint the kitchen?

In Vastu, the kitchen is considered a vital area of the house, and it is believed that painting it in the right colour can enhance positive energy and bring good luck. As per Vastu, the best colours for a kitchen are yellow, orange, pink, or red, as they represent fire, which is the primary element of cooking.


What plants should be kept at the entrance of the house, as per Vastu tips for a new home?

According to Vastu Shastra tips for a new home, you should decorate the entrance of your house with beautiful plants and flowers because they bring positive energy and prosperity. People consider several plants as auspicious for the entrance of the house, such as the money plant, holy basil, jasmine, and peace lily, as they purify the air and bring good luck.


Also see: Money Plants: Benefits, Vastu, growing tips & decor ideas (Shop here!)


Which direction is best as per Vastu tips for new home?

As per Vastu Shastra tips for a new home, the ideal direction for a house to face is towards the north or east. The north represents prosperity and abundance, while the east symbolizes health and vitality. People believe that a house facing either of these directions attracts positive energy and good luck, which leads to overall prosperity and success.


According to Vastu Shastra what are the ideal colours for the main door?

As per Vastu Shastra, the ideal colours for the main door of your house are red, orange, yellow, green, and brown. People consider these colours auspicious and believe they represent different elements of nature that bring positive energy into the house. However, it’s essential to avoid black and white colours for the main door since they are considered inauspicious in Vastu.



The ancient architectural concept of Vastu Shastra is based on energies that influence the dwellers of a home. You need to be familiar with these energies to harmonize your life with them. Hence, you need to consider various Vastu Shastra tips while designing the main entrance of your house, master bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, mandir room, etc. This ensures a healthy and better life.

According to Vastu Shastra, you need to remove clutter to welcome happiness, positivity, and success into your home. There are some auspicious as well as negative objects that interfere with the Vastu of your home. Such items can be broken objects, negative artwork, dead flowers, torn clothing, dead animals, etc. Discarding these items from your home keeps away negative energy.

You have learned about the various Vastu Shastra tips you need to consider before designing or re-organizing your house from this article. So, have the perfect Vastu-compliant home setting by taking into consideration our Vastu tips.


*The featured image used in this article is from Berger Paints


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